Erdoğan and the Turkish Lira Crisis: The Pseudo-Sultan That Is Making Atatürk Roll Over in His Grave

President Erdogan has made it crystal clear over the past few weeks that he is unbridled in his quest to establish himself as the most revered and famous Turkish politician since the age of modern Turkey's founding father, Atatürk. While in his view, the Islamist notion of a reversal to a caliphate-like form of government would be a watershed transformation in the history of Turkish politics, the brash, bellicose and belligerent ways in which he is trying to sew his ideal into the country's social fabric are alarming for they risk plunging the nation into a long-term recession. So, in a sense, Erdoğan will become the most infamous political leader the country has ever had, undoing years of lucrative labour undergone as part of Atatürk's political pledge to modernise Turkey. Following on from last year's entry in which I argue d that Er dogan was political suici de (, in this article, I...